Analyses of the grid as a reference design system for structuring content, serving as a rational framework, for easy absorption of elements, for organizing elements in relation to a foundation, in relation to other elements, or in relation to other parts of the same element.

Grid Anima
- Grid – Intellectual formal device 2021
- Off-grid – Inclusive design workshop HTW Berlin, Germany, November 2th 2021
- Star Status Grid Integrity – Creativity in design V., International research conference, the University of Technology in Zvolen, SLOVAKIA, November 11th 2021
Grid Capsule
- Grid – transfer system – Sustainability days Coburg, Germany, June 2th 2022
- Grid – basic research – Context constellation 2022
- Grid – applied research – Porta peso 2022
Most important Star Status Design Epitome components for this research:
Star Status Design Intellectual Creator – personality with the ability to create knowledge from Perceptions, Permanent Designer with Imagination ability based on independent intellectual research and concept development through the “Star Status” philosophy, the “Open Sphere” design strategy and the “Authentic Design Essence”.
Star Status Design Space-Time Atmosphere, as a feeling of presence, a synesthetic experience of the absolute aura of a super-minimalist product, mirroring the space-time atmosphere of the past & present and future as one modern moment.

The framework goal of the research is the analysis of the Grid as a reference design system for structuring content – two-three-dimensional, serving as a rational framework for easy absorption of elements, for the organization of elements in relation to the base, in relation to other elements or in relation to other parts of the same element. Part of the basic research should be the design of the Grid, as a tool for analyzing the complex context through a network of connections, understanding people’s mindsets and social tendencies, carried out before designing the design itself, which should represent a natural part of life.

Inclusive design workshop HTW Berlin, Germany, November 2th 2021
International design workshop, first contact action mission, about inclusive communication. Applied multimodal relationship creation in interdisciplinary cooperation and research. Test platform for Off the Grid – Intellectual formal device. Human Experience Design HTW Berlin, Studio Balaz FAD STU Bratislava and Star Status cooperation. Lead by Erik Rejta, guaranteed by Pelin Celik and Martin Balaz.

Creativity in design V., International research conference, the University of Technology in Zvolen, SLOVAKIA, November 11th 2021
The project anticipates the needs of a new lifestyle and works with the imagination, atmosphere, intellect and philosophy of the designer and the emerging company. The basic system of alternative forms harmoniously combines design to maintain the continuity of visual culture and philosophy of the future society. Determining its new forms and activities, the so-called Grid demonstrator abstracts the user’s ability to support its value. Motivation, connectivity and compatibility, through the atmosphere, mediates in space and time of use, defines several identifiers – the range of design perceptions, from conceptual, experimental, through product, industrial, and communication to the interior, from the view of the work as art, design or engineering, from the past through the present to the future. The benefit of the system is the ability to use all components of the intellect and thus offer space for interaction, collaboration, identification and communication, essential aspects of the creative process.
Presentation of the case study from Off-Grid Worksop
Design has become an integral and necessary part of life in a civilized society. It affects us in many possible ways, mostly without us realizing it. However, we are often unaware of the problems we face and what our real needs are. The complex task of the designer is to identify the problem in a complex context through a network of relationships and to understand people’s thinking and social tendencies. This requires, above all, critical observation of the environment and the use of the right tools for analysis, interpretation, ideation and conceptualization. The method I propose is based on the use of a simple grid. The grid, as an intellectual formal device, allows a creative person to arrange verbal and visual information in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space based on a certain predetermined logic. The grid has no beginning, no centre, and no end. It is limited only by the format or space in which we apply it. It is a tool for achieving balance and diversity. Let us imagine that the paper in the shape of a square represents the context we are researching. We can fold this paper in half no more than seven times. Thus, depending on the number of folds, we obtain a more or less dense square network. It is true that the intersections of the vertical and the horizontal will be in a certain relationship with each other. We assign certain key terms to the intersections, which in our opinion should characterize the researched context. These terms must be included in the square network so that adjacent terms in the vertical and horizontal directions are logically related to each other. The terms we have identified as the most important will be distributed around the least squares from the centre of the paper. By translating the paper in different directions, we get the concepts into new relationships. In my opinion, the analysis of the relationships between the key concepts of the examined context gives the designer the opportunity to playfully discover unusual connections or shortcomings in a playful way, and thus to be the first impulse for original solutions. The device was presented to design students of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin on November 2, 2021.
Sustainability days Coburg, Germany, June 2th 2022
Information and energy transmission and public space harmonisation – basic experimental (independent artistic) research of the reference design system on the basis of an analysis of the conditions of the energy and information transmission infrastructure in the current context as a major impact on the environment
- Symbol – controlled urbanism and the location of buildings
- Genius loci – phenomenologically solved the situation
- Road – public, known and practised, the blood system of the world, connecting, leading across the contours, In cities and outdoors. In public space, especially the so-called “road” communication, roads must-have stops, which have always been important points on road maps.
- Energy – places of energy interest and perhaps as life-giving.
- Energy Grid – In physics, energy is a quantitative property that needs to be transferred to the body or physical system in order to perform an activity.
The design of Grid as a tool for analyzing a complex context through a network of contexts (static, static-dynamic, dynamic), understanding people’s thinking and societal trends, carried out before designing the design itself, which should be a natural part of life, should be part of the basic research.
Characteristic of Star Status design is the concept of development of values by a nonlinear design method based on Star Status Independent Intellectual Research and development with Star Status Philosophy. This concept maximised connections possibilities between all components, elements, sections and factors of the design process and context. We see the possible flexibility and depth of new connections and new perspectives in the three-dimensional context space as the positive difference, real non-linearity of the design process to the actual trend methods, for example, the “Design Thinking” methodology. Independent Star status in the constellation is different from holistic methodology, for example.

Classical research and traditional forms are changing. We are looking for new research and development strategies. The Star Status philosophy is a new way of looking at the social context and is part of the design process, which contains two more parts – The open Sphere thinking strategy and the authentic essence of design. Together they create these parts a flexible system for action design, research and education with the spirit of avant-garde thinking. The point of transformation is important, Star Status of the designer in time and space, through which in combination with changing the position and changing the angle of view, he looks at the new composition. We create a new composition and connections in constellations, a new image, and a new design. The most important thing for me is the design philosophy, the method, a strategy or methodology that shouldn’t limit me, that’s why we developed and verified a design strategy based on the Star Status philosophy, bringing design with a truly authentic essence.
The strategy of the open sphere of thought is closely connected with Star Status the philosophy and essence of authentic designing. It’s very important to confirm this comprehensive theory in the design process. This process we apply in design projects, but first, it was necessary, to confirm a common understanding of this strategy in the form of her authentication in an innovative non-linear composition.
A characteristic feature of the Star Status project and philosophy is the concept of value development through a non-linear design method based on independent intellectual research and development. This concept maximizes the connection possibilities between all components, elements, sections and factors of the design process within the context. How a positive difference, we perceive the flexibility and depth of new contexts and new perspectives in a three-dimensional context space, authentic non-linearity of the design process. Star Status is a natural design, based on creativity, communication and perception of the constellation of context and relationships between statuses, which make it up. He defines a designer as an intellectual creator, a person with the ability to create knowledge through perception and ability imagination, based on independent research and development, they push the boundaries of perception through emotional intelligence.
New Star Status Design epitome component development – Grid
Grid as a basic experimental (independent artistic) research of a reference design system, grid, for structuring content – two-three-dimensional, serving as a rational framework, for easy absorption of elements, for organizing elements in relation to the base, in relation to other elements or in relation to other parts of the same element based on the analysis of the conditions and infrastructure for the transmission of energy and information in the current context of the system for the development of mobility. Energy Grid Transfer, Eco – Pandemic Diversification – Charging station system and public space harmonisation.
Contexts research
To create the first model – a static context, we chose as the goal of the analysis public space (in relation to the currently solved projects, focused on the field of energy transfer/information/circulation of resources in space for the harmonization of public space. The findings moved us towards the analysis of elements in public space, first static, then dynamic. The result is a model of dynamic In the non-linear analysis of the relationships of the statuses forming these models, we gained a new point of view, which enabled us to define the overlaps of these models and create a third static-dynamic model of the context, in which the relationships of individual statuses are the source of establishing basic values for applied research and development.
- static
We are at the basic theoretical stage of static context research collecting information for analysis and action plan. We also used theoretical knowledge and, for comparison, our own experiences from other
countries and cultures. We targeted the basic public for this comparison space – park, as a starting point for the selection of further links areas of empirical research.
During the survey of basic public spaces, we focused to identify one of their basic design elements, determining their quality, and usability and building the public’s relationship with them – sitting, represented by a classic bench. On closer examination we found out that although they belong to furniture, they are actually static elements anchored in the terrain and the dynamics depend on their location and use of the given space – the basic value is the freedom of choice, which further depends on comfort (resistance to weather, humidity, cold, cleanliness), ergonomics, variability (sitting on the back), close surroundings and its surfaces (grass, pavement) and added value (stand on a bike). This seating element is one of the basic communication tools in the space, or, on the contrary, a tool ensuring relaxation and privacy. When comparing the experience of the selected premises (Medická) compared to abroad (Paris), we have come of age to the connection between the way of sitting and the location in public space and when changing the view in a new context, we consider a park chair (manipulation, mobility, freedom of choice) as a piece of furniture with new value for our research.

- static-dynamic

- dynamic

Context constellation
The result of the research part is the spatial models of the context analysis here, the so-called Star Status of constellations from which new contexts arise are formalized through the GRID Intellectual formalization tool into the so-called value grid for their implementation at selection and design development on the GRID theme.

Context values grid

Conclusion – Object in public space

Object in public space values materialisation
The task of applied research, the proposed design, arising from the identification of the Grid with material reality – the applied Grid, should primarily be the sustainable and inclusive harmonization of the living space, the natural communication of information in it and the preservation of energy circulation beyond its “object” status. The principles of the physical appearance of the new design should be reflected in the very process of rational thinking when designing it.
The work deals with the topic of GRID in several dimensions – the global context and its complexity, the development of the Grid, a new component within the Star Status Design design method; Grid
as a tool for context value analysis in the design process; by identifying the Grid with material reality – the applied Grid in the design of a new product and the Grid, as the possibility of infinite development of the material part of the product on the basis of the grid of values contained in it. In the first part, we can follow the theoretical analysis of the current state of knowledge, the origin and historical development of the Grid, which is further followed by the work. The following is a description of the author‘s design method and the development of its new component, important for the diploma project. Development of a tool important for clear communication of research results – GRID intellectual formal tool was created in
the first part of the project and the work describes the process of its development and testing through an international workshop led by the author of the diploma thesis. An important part is research. The first phase is basic research on the topic of GRID, in which the authors of SSD collaborate in several contexts of public space which showed significant overlaps in other levels of design. Completed by the basic value GRID, it became the basis for the author‘s decision-making on the new product and its development,
the so-called applied GRID. This required further use of the value analysis tool to specify a particular product and its GRID potential. The last part of the work is the design process, which uses a comprehensive approach in the use of tools for development and the final product, the essence of which – an integrated GRID, is a successful assignment.