How does your design relate to the topic and concept of Covid world transformation?
How has the pandemic transformed design?
How has creating this design transformed you?
How do you want the design to transform others?
Our definition of the interest of a new society, the so-called “Interest solving”, is influenced by the ecological and pandemic crisis, leading to a new lifestyle, in contrast to the close view of the post-postmodern society of today. Our Capsule Design morphs contemporary lifestyle, based on authentic motivation in social action favouring sustainability, ecology and health.
- Authentic Motivation 2020 – Faro
- Terra-morphing 2020 – Sttrutura 234
- Kinaeshetics 2021 – 3,14
Capsule Action/Anima
- Kinaesthetics 2021 Giotto performance
- Kinaesthetics 2021 Mirroring compatibility
- Kinaesthetics Independent action 2021 mirroring as care, mirroring as empathy, SeeYouth – mirroring communities through art and design 2021, international conference, university of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, December 1st 2021
Star Status Another World Compatibility – Synthetic understanding, intelligible interoperability, based on harmony as an analogy of contrasts, individuality with objectivity, beauty with function, art with research, action with research in Art and /in/of Science, Science of art/design conjunction, mirroring.
Star Status Motivation – fundamental inside value, energy, inspiration, diplomacy for equilibristic polymath, casual sympathetic rebel, balancing spontaneous, intuitive on characteristic with difficult to define mixture of artistic and technical thinking, as the paradox of mental and real image, provokes, experiments and crosses the boundaries, concentrate on knowledge transition to own reality result. What is real is not the appearance, but the idea, the essence of things, revolution art politics. When one or a few people simply start to create something different, something new, crosses the horizon. For example, stabil Dynamic Synthesis of Star Status Icon V live logo, start button, the eye that will not lose the ability to explore, search and observe the World.
- pandemic authenticity pictures
The goal is to design an inspiring and motivating circular economy service system in public space, metamorphosing the philosophy of space and time of use. The philosophy of the new product is already indicated by the philosophically conceived title of the topic, which forces both the designer and the user to think about whether, nowadays, philosophy is more important than experience or visuals. The work should bring the currently often absent element of motivation in social action in favour of sustainability and ecology, and at the same time offer the possibility of educating the user of this system and supporting his correct decision-making.
- growth – discontinuity

FARO is an object that represents an inspiring motivational system. It responds to the global environmental problem of creating an excessive amount of waste. In public space, it functions as a beacon: with its expressive colours and unusual shape, it attracts attention and entices the user to explore. It consists of a circular grid, a base and a container inserted into it. The task of the dimensionally reduced opening is to force the user to reduce the volume of waste. The circular grid is used for discarding cigarettes. The concrete base isolates the grid from the plastic container; thus preventing the risk of fire. At the same time, it adds stability to the object and defines its exact place in space. Each container is equipped with a QR code on the lid that links to the application. Through it, the user is rewarded in the form of points for learning about the circular economy. The goal of the application is to deepen the relationship between the producer, importer and consumer and thus contribute to reducing the ecological footprint.
- chaos – order

- authentic – motivation

Extraordinary way and at a very high intellectual level an abstract, philosophically assigned topic of authentic motivation within the circular economy system. The system transforms chaos into order, while the inspiration for self-realization plays an important role in this process, as can be seen in the work, for example very original and simple authentically motivational research that presents a clear example of the relationship between designer and user.
Definition of the interest of the so-called new society “Interest solving”, influenced by the ecological and pandemic crisis, towards a new lifestyle, against the stagnant view of today’s post-postmodern society. Design morphing the contemporary lifestyle, based on authentic motivation in social action in favour of sustainability, ecology and health, and at the same time offering the possibility of educating society and supporting its correct decision-making, inspiring through design, to such a way of life that can participate in sustainable development each individual. Motivating the user to self-reflection with the effect of stimulating spiritual qualities. Seeking new and changing and transforming the current functioning and conditions of society in its environment in all spheres of life. It is the interaction of design itself and human society, as a basic compositional elements of design, creating a unique visual language and harmonizing design and engineering into a new whole. Sustainability, on the one hand, is associated with materials and on the other hand with relationships and processes that have an impact on society and its environment. Elements, structures and systems that take into account the needs of modern living space, dividing it into formal and informal or work and private, depending on demands for mobility, ergonomics, acoustics, lighting, modularity or visual stimulation.
- plus – minus
- positive – negative (space)
- design analyses
- new perspective

Struttura 234 is a vertical indoor seating system designed for an emerging company affected by the ecological and pandemic crisis. It reacts to the merging of work and leisure activities “behind closed society” in a space where inventive re-organization takes place. Two seating heights that make a big difference in the human perception of space, offer the user the possibility of assigning
a specific space for a specific activity. They underline the three-dimensionality surrounding space and encourage reflection on the quantity and usefulness of objects that make it up.
- authentic discussion – online
- conclusion – authentic essence layers
- visual philosophy

- consciousness, Imagination, new perspective, a new position, new status, new feeling – visualisation (Media off visualisation collage, sketches, cad, models)
- real design experiment authentic communication – model surprise (authentic action)

Star Status Thinking Plasticity – simple Design Sketch of Star Status action of dynamic star status constellation in real space-time atmosphere, representing society context, morphing visual into transcendent philosophy of design with constantly plastic integration of new objectives, nonlinear action fusion communication.
Movement is the basis of the process of origin and change, it is the basis of perception. Perception interacts with thinking to reach knowledge. Currently, our perception is dominated by visual and auditory systems, the quality of which depends on the kinaesthetic. Other functions, such as speech, coordination, emotionality, activity or attention, subsequently depend on their joint integration. Design a kinesthetic design – causing a kinesthetic feeling, movement feeling, related to the perception of movement, causing a movement reaction, movement in space and time – requiring movement/positioning of the body for the perception and processing of new information from the environment and subsequently the action resulting from it – in which the moving/positioned body in space-time is the basis of the formation of space so that consciousness can have the experience of spatiality.
- locus amoneus
- choreography
- rythm
- empathy

The design of the 3.14 product responds to the problems of the human movement system that arise as a result growing tendency of a sedentary lifestyle, insufficient physical activity or one-sided loading of certain muscle groups. The product consists of an L-shaped hexagonal lever placed in a cylindrical housing, a spherical handle with a joint and the shade, which is a shape synthesis of the basic elements of the product: a regular hexagon and a circle. The kinesthetic experience consists of rotational movement of hands and wrists in an imaginary circle using a lever. It is accompanied by a sound whose rhythm varies depending on the situation from the speed of twisting, uniformity of movement, distribution and number of rods around the circumference of the cylindrical case, with which the rod placed on the lever occurs at twisting into contact. When muscle imbalance occurs an irregular rhythm can be identified. There is a three-stage planetary gearbox in the cylinder housing, which multiplies each turning lever according to the set gear ratio. When using the product, a transformation takes place from mechanical energy to electrical. The AC electric motor subsequently recharges the lithium battery that supplies its energy to the SMD diode. After conquering the battery, he gains leverage the function of an ambient lamp, which can be freely saved to space.
- performance
- skills demonstration

Star Status Aesthetic Kinaesthetic Spying & Playing Performance, sense inspiration direct involving as highest level of research adventure, grasp your own position in space, for known that 2D is 3D, via choreography & rhythm transform movement into feeling and feeling into movement, use all components of perception, free emotional movement poetry in autonomy self-reflection, new art of compatibility solution in front of computer, understanding mirroring via art and design of & for marginal group of Students despite the absence of radiation in personal contact, communication, discussion and monitoring of non-verbal expressions, gesticulation, grimace via UX interface as impossible depth of the flat space of the monitor, create in non-traditional non-design spaces and thus create an even more unique experience, not classic models for Important necessary save possibility survive the authentic situation, where something is happening, complete human personality, harmonious in mind and body, inspired Star Status Authentic Kinaesthetic Quality of Balance Ability Creator & Demonstrator for Studio Student Evolve/Progress.
- Not only kinesthetic design is important, but also kinesthetic design style (requiring movement while designing, encouraging imagination) and kinesthetic design techniques.

The unique nature of Star Status Design philosophy explored the concept of mirroring as self-reflection, as a portal to another world, as a clear opportunity and innovative synthesis of arts-based research and design for sustainable and creative interventions for a marginalized group of students during pandemic distance learning. Mirroring concept as spying/playing, mirroring as a portal or entrance to another world, Independent Action – Self-reflection: past – present – future of the designer/design. We bring together visual arts and design-based activities with perspectives to develop new ideas in response to the ongoing global turbulence which is impacting most youth social contexts and their communities. We use the concept of “mirroring” as reflection and also as a way to compose new connections and inspire new relationships. We develop the mirroring concept as a way to establish virtual spaces and build virtual bridges for conversation and collaboration in the education design process among youth and we applied this across geographical distances with “Virtual Connectivity”. Multidimensionally intellectual mirroring components – space for interaction, collaboration, identification and communication can embody action which, when used as a movement in action-centric performance, can create emotional and rational understanding status. Through actions mirroring our own views and ideas, we are able to develop society.

Mirroring as care, mirroring as empathy, Seeyouth – Mirroring communities through art and design, International Conference, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, December 1st 2021

We bring together visual arts and design-based activities with perspectives to develop new ideas in response to the ongoing global turbulence which is impacting most youth social contexts and their communities. “Action Centric independent artistic research & development fusion” and “Synergic research & development Design Strategy” represent the value of arts-based action and research in achieving sustainable change, social and economic marginalisation experienced by youth and how we can anticipate and challenges urgently require innovative ideas, methods and outcomes. We use the concept of “mirroring” as reflection and also as a way to compose new connections and inspire new relationships. “Star Status Philosophy” connect stars to new composition with other stars in constellations with new connections and create a new composition and new context. Our model method of ‘mirroring’ we become through action-centric development and application through art and design research. We develop the mirroring concept as a way to establish virtual spaces and build virtual bridges for conversation and collaboration in the education design process among youth and we applied this across geographical distances with “Virtual Connectivity” – Informal Connective Virtual Conferences Series. So, we explored, how mirroring might be used as a potent tool across the arts and in terms of design so that it can help inspire or influence social movements. Star Status Constellation relationships become our central ways of approaching and utilising mirroring in the contexts of arts-based and design methods. “Freedom-based compatibility/mirroring” has much to offer in terms of how it can be utilised within and outside of individual academic contexts or disciplines. “Authentic design essence layers” allow us to recognise empathy, intersubjectivity and understanding in our own actions. “Open sphere strategy” mirroring mechanisms in the human mind creates the basis of social context mirroring contributing to a new composition of motion, emotion and empathy which create a new experience. Multidimensionally intellectual mirroring components – space for interaction, collaboration, identification and communication can embody action which, when used as a movement in action-centric performance, can create emotional and rational understanding status. Through actions mirroring our own views and ideas, we are able to develop society. We can also from our Trans-Continental geographical position from the east direction mirror our project with this multi-disciplinary concept of the Trans-Atlantic Mirroring method.
Independent Action – Mirroring as care, mirroring as empathy? The unique nature of Star Status philosophy explored the concept of mirroring as self-reflection, as a portal to another world, as a clear opportunity and innovative synthesis of arts-based research and design for sustainable and creative interventions for marginalized groups of students during pandemic distance learning, for strong novel approaches and application of an idea of mirroring into and through digital experiences for virtual mediation, focused to define and contextualise real understanding with a special performance, Star Status Evolve & Impact responsive authentication, that would be valuable for conference audiences.